Sunday, April 3, 2011


Sometimes, on Sunday mornings Frank and I will watch shows on "HOUSEWIVES." (Because he is a FLIPPER this happens, but I have been told by many of my friends this is the case with MEN in general, flipping through channels that is.) Anyway, this morning, he was flipping, and landed on The Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion Show. These kinds of shows for some reason always gets our attention; they mesmerize us, especially me! What struck me immediately is how divided these women seem to be and how hurtful the things they say to each other are; the hard harsh words and comments are damaging and disrespectful. Why is it that women want to be this way with one another? Then, the next thing that made me "lose my slipper" (a term I made up, that means to me; "What the heck?") So, here is the "What the heck" question; "Why call or refer to ourselves or other women as BITCHES?" Can someone answer this question for me because I just don't get it?
I'm a real housewife, just not on a "Reality Show" and I don't do that sort of thing. Don't get me wrong I get frustrated with my girlfriends, but I don't call them names! So, here's a challenge; if you call your friends BITCH for any reason, stop it! Seriously! PLEASE...
Sincerely with passion!

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